
ATM Simulation

ATM Software In Python is a simple console based ATM simulator provides the simple account balance management of a respective account. It contains all the essential features. There is no database connection or neither any external text or other files used in this mini project to save user’s data. Everything is set inside the source code whether its pin code or the amount.

Find the source code below

Sample Output

Welcome to the Pythondex ATM

Please enter your four digit pin: 1234

what do you want to do

 Enter 1 to Widthdraw Cash

 Enter 2 for Balance Enquiry

 Enter 3 to Quit

Enter the number corresponding to the activity you want to do: 2

Total balance 1000 Dollars


what do you want to do

 Enter 1 to Widthdraw Cash

 Enter 2 for Balance Enquiry

 Enter 3 to Quit

Enter the number corresponding to the activity you want to do: 1000

Please enter a correct value shown

what do you want to do

 Enter 1 to Widthdraw Cash

 Enter 2 for Balance Enquiry

 Enter 3 to Quit

Enter the number corresponding to the activity you want to do: 2

Total balance 1000 Dollars


what do you want to do

 Enter 1 to Widthdraw Cash

 Enter 2 for Balance Enquiry

 Enter 3 to Quit

Enter the number corresponding to the activity you want to do: 1

Enter the amount of money you want to widthdraw: 1000

1000 Dollars successfully widthdrawn your remaining balance is 0 Dollars


what do you want to do

 Enter 1 to Widthdraw Cash

 Enter 2 for Balance Enquiry

 Enter 3 to Quit

Enter the number corresponding to the activity you want to do: 2

Total balance 0 Dollars


what do you want to do

 Enter 1 to Widthdraw Cash

 Enter 2 for Balance Enquiry

 Enter 3 to Quit

Enter the number corresponding to the activity you want to do: 1

Enter the amount of money you want to widthdraw: 1

You don’t have sufficient balance to make this widthdrawal

Enter the amount of money you want to widthdraw: 0

0 Dollars successfully widthdrawn your remaining balance is 0 Dollars


what do you want to do

 Enter 1 to Widthdraw Cash

 Enter 2 for Balance Enquiry

 Enter 3 to Quit