What are the differ…
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What are the different blocks in Scratch?

3 Posts
4 Users
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Name them.

3 Answers

Scratch is a visual programming language that consists of different blocks that users can drag and drop to create programs. The blocks in Scratch can be categorized into the following types:

Motion: These blocks control the movement and direction of sprites, including moving them to a specific location, rotating them, and changing their size.

Looks: These blocks control the appearance of sprites, including changing their costumes, size, and visibility.

Sound: These blocks allow users to add and control sounds in their programs, including playing, stopping, and changing the volume of sounds.

Events: These blocks allow users to trigger actions based on certain events, such as when a sprite is clicked or a key is pressed.

Control: These blocks control the flow of the program, including loops, conditional statements, and waiting for a certain amount of time.

Sensing: These blocks allow users to detect certain events or conditions, such as when a sprite is touching another sprite or when a certain key is pressed.

Operators: These blocks perform mathematical operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Variables: These blocks allow users to create and manipulate variables, which are values that can be stored and used in a program.

My Blocks: These blocks allow users to create their own custom blocks by combining existing blocks.


There are 9 built-in blocks available in Scratch, Motion, Looks, Sound, Events, Control, Sensing, Operators, Variables, and My Blocks

  1. Command blocks;

  2. Blocks which link events with the running of the program;

  3. Blocks which control the running of the program;

  4. Blocks which report a certain value (function blocks).
